Monday, March 26, 2007

The Jacket

The Jacket

The storyline for this movie deals with a Gulf War veteran (1st conflict) surviving a gunshot head wound. After getting blamed for a crime he didn’t commit, he goes to a mental institution where he receives illegal treatments for his mental state. When he receives this strange treatment and wearing a straight jacket, he is thrown into the future (2007 because his home time period is 1992). He meets the same young woman that he saw as a little girl back in 92.

The concept of time travel through drugs is a cool plot device, but the movie would have been more compelling in a better skillful director’s hands. There are too many dull scenes between the more sci-fi elements in the movie to keep everyone’s interest. I think they should have played up the changes he cloud make during his flashes forward through his pasts events. They edits should’ve of been quicker too.

Keira Knightley does a great job playing a strange emo-ish American chick in the movie. This movie was released in 05, so she still looked hot and not the skinny, bigheaded woman she is now. When will woman learn that being skinny isn’t hot? Anyway, I enjoyed her performance in the movie, and her character is the central point to the story’s ending. (Note: The Director didn’t want her to play this character, and he told her that upfront during her interview. The studio forced him to consider her for the role.)

Speaking of endings, I did like how the director chose to have a more uplifting ending than what was originally planned and filmed. (The movie has three endings.) The ending is up to a lot debate as well. One of my friends and I had a disagreement on the actual fate of the main character. Looking at the message boards on IMDB, others have had similar disagreements as well. And, that was part of the charm of this movie. Nothing is clean cut. What is real, and what is just made up in his mind? I also liked the notion that the future isn’t set in stone and we can make changes. Too bad we have get through so much dull stuff to get to the story.

Grade C+

(Look for a screwed up Daniel Craig in this movie. He’s good in this movie)Keira Knightley shows Adrien Brody how she really Bend’s It Like Beckham…in the bedroom.


See, she’s sexy as hell here, but she’s so unattractive now. Eat some White Castles or something.

Adrien Brody: “I see Pirates in your future and a eating disorder.”


Adrien Brody: “I have a question. Is this angry Santa Claus sitting next to me real or a figment of my twisted mind?”


  1. Keira is no more skinny now than she was when this movie was made.

  2. Wow, now we have to refer to which Gulf War, what a day...

    Sounds a bit extreme, is there a hint of Gulf War Syndrome in this movie?

  3. Mr or Mrs. Anonymous: Keira Knightley does look different from the Pirate movie and the premiere photos of her during the Pirates 2 movie. I wonder if this is Mrs. Knightley herself or one of her people? Hmmm...

    Blayde: You're right, that is strange that we have to do that. I remember that they did that on LOST too.

    While there is no mention of it, but You know what, even when I was watching the movie I never thought about the Gulf War Syndrome. But it does sound like a good theory as any other
