Monday, March 05, 2007

Myspace blues

F' you, Tom!

As you probably remember, I was forced to create a stupid Myspace so I could check out people's pics. As you can see, I haven't done anything with my stupid page...nothing. So, I sign in today, and I noticed that I have a friend request. First off, I don 't know why I have a friend request. Second, these people know nothing about be me. The latest friend request is from a very attractive girl by the name of Jenny. I'm almost certain I've never met Jenny before, yet she wants to be my friend. Yeah, sure, all the the ladies love me...

Is she cute? Yes. Is she actually 24 years old? I seriously doubt that, probably 19 or 20.



  1. Um, yeah... the link to your profile... it goes to the user's profile(i.e. mine because I clicked it).

    Now that is a stealthy approach.

  2. I wonder why Myspace does that. But the second link works though right?

  3. Oh, man. And she wanted to be my friend.

  4. Well, dude, I'll be your friend. I am not hot, blonde or a woman but I am real and not a musician/comedian.
