Monday, March 05, 2007

My Super Ex-Girlfriend

My Super Ex-Girlfriend

In New York, a female hero by the name of G-Girl protects the city. She’s very similar to Superman, except she wears varying types of outfits. She also has a normal life too as Jenny Johnson (think Clark Kent). Well, Jenny falls in love with Average Joe Luke Wilson and she reveals her superhero identity. Things don’t go well, and Luke breaks it off with her. Being that she’s batty, she doesn’t take it too well.

This movie tries to be funny, but seems to fail at every attempt. Most of the acting is bland and the characters forgettable. This by-the-numbers movie just doesn’t seem to want to go anywhere fast, with a few exceptions. I did like that Luke’s character wanted to have sex with G-Girl while flying through the air. Hell, most guys would love to do that. Yet, in the end, I didn’t really care about the movie. The movie simply doesn’t want to tell an interesting story or be funny.

I think the story would’ve been more compelling if they played the entire thing straight with a few jokes thrown in here and there. Part of the blame for the movie’s failure has to go to Ivan Reitman; a director who hasn’t really tried to make a good movie in the past 10 years. Sorry, Reitman this movie isn’t your best. It just feels like he made this film for the studio and marketing. Mostly harmless…

Grade D+

Luke: “Oh, shit! The Bride from Kill Bill! Why am I on your list?”

The Bride: “For forcing me to watch You, Me and Dupree, I Spy, and Zoolander .”

Luke: “You got the wrong Wilson. You're after my brother Owen Wilson.”

The Bride: “Shit...”




Luke: “Okay, so I play the same wimpy white guy in every movie. Get over it.”


Luke: “Did we just step into a Godzilla movie?”

Can you read mind? This movie sucks...


  1. yeah this movie was pretty horrible. has uma thurman actually done a good movie? that i'm not sure about, after this one, kill bill, and who can forget her role on batman and robin as poison ivy.


  2. Looking at her IMDB page, I think you're right. Her better roles are Pulp Fiction and Kill bill.

    The Avengers and Be Cool are extremely bad

  3. Ok i'm a girl so I guess that's why I liked Uma Thurman in "The Truth About Cats and Dogs".

    Of course I mostly watched that for
    Jeanine Garafalo.

    I'm bummed that my super Ex failed. I don't have time ti yank it off my Netflix Queue...It just shipped yesterday. Dammit.

  4. Uma is an good actress, it just sometimes she picks bad roles. She was amazing in Kill Bill.

    Lol, put up a review, and tell me what you think.

  5. Tarantino puts her well in his movies, then again, save for that cats and dogs thing, i haven't watched much of her others.

  6. Riteman totally miscast her for this part, part of me can never forgive her for doing Batman and Robin.

    I always thought Tarantino had crush on her. But you're right, he certainly knows how to use her.
