Wednesday, March 07, 2007

More Spiderman 3 stuff

Here is another trailer for Spiderman 3

Now, this one I think gives away too much storyline, but it is a good trailer. While I like the Venom footage, I’m not too happy about the Sandman/Uncle Ben storyline. Did they really need to change it?

Head over here for some pics

Keep in mind that there were some re-shoots for some reason, and there could be a factor of sucky-ness. It should also be noted that Tobey Maguire will end his relationship with the Spiderman franchise...maybe.

(("To me it seems like this is a natural point for the team to break up because we have a lot of story conclusions that were going along for the main characters for the first two movies and we kind of tie almost everything up for the third movie," he says. "It feels like a trilogy to me and it feels like the end."))

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