Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Americone Dream: There's freedom in that Ice Cream

Stephen Colbert has his own Ice Cream.

I checked around to see if this was real and it is. “I’m not afraid to say it. Dessert has a well-known liberal agenda,” Colbert said in a statement. “What I hope to do with this ice cream is bring some balance back to the freezer case.”

Here's the official site. Taste that freedom. Colbert is the man, and now the Ice Cream. I have to try this Ice Cream. I bet it feels like bursts of freedoms in my mouth.

What's next Ann Coulter's Adam's Applesauce?


  1. Now only to wait for the freedomless Hamas lollies to pop up everywhere, with that evil black chocolate, mmm. lol.

  2. lol, it will go good with the Rush lim-hamburgers!

  3. never seen this but it doesn't really sound appetizing...Gross to have soggy waffle cone bits in your dessert. I know they choco cover it but it will still get soggy eventually.

  4. I never thought of it that way, but you're right. I'm going to see if I can find one friday to try out and I hope I can get an review on the blog. I hope I can find one.

  5. how about bin laden and jerry's icecream? subtitled 31 ways to make a car bomb. just a thought lol


  6. exploding flavors in your mouth, brilliant!
