Friday, March 23, 2007

Mel (make your own movie) Gibson

When Mel Attacks...

Okay, so Apocalypto didn't light up the box office, but the director is making all kinds of sparks of his own. After a wonderful encounter with some Cops earlier, he's topped himself again by cussing out a Professor at a school he was speaking at, Cal State University.

((We're told Gibson also became extremely angry when members of the Mayan community protested on how they were portrayed in the film. The emotional Mayan members were escorted out of the room, and we're told Gibson screamed a parting shot -- "Make your own movie!" ))

Okay, Mel, I'll make my own movie. It's about an action star that made many hits, and then was pulled over by the cops and made some racial slurs. He went into rehab and then cussed out a Professor.

The End

I'll probably check this movie out some day.


  1. lol, i'd watch, especially if you gave you're own style of captioned lines as you so famously do.

  2. Lol, thanks. I heard it's a difficult movie to watch, very bloody.
