Friday, March 23, 2007

Free Batman

Batman arrested...

First, Marvel kills off Captain America, now Batman goes to jail. I thought the cops and the cape crusader were on the same side.

((Then, in a move that would move any fanboy to ecstasy, Chewbacca joined forces with the Caped Crusader and started talking to the group of picketers as well!

Unfortunately, Batman didn't retreat to the Bat Cave fast enough, and was arrested by LAPD for disorderly conduct! Gadzooks! ))

I'm sure the people in jail were scared crapless, when they saw The Dark Knight enter their cell.

Thug: “Oh, shit, he's real!”

Free Batman!


  1. lol, im banned too, but they don't even know where i am, they point to north France... not a very accurate system, basically banning next to everything

  2. oh damn, comment on wrong post

  3. I wonder what phrases of words got us blocked. I'm sure they pieced together some of my reviews and I made the list.

    I noticed a bunch of myspace pages have made it through, strangely enough, the 300 Myspace page.
