Wednesday, March 21, 2007

IJ 4.0

We all know that they're in the preproduction stages of Indiana Jones 4. This site has compiled a list of tips for George and Steven to follow. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not looking forward to seeing part 4, I can't wait, but George Lucas and Steven Spielberg haven’t creatively had the best track record of late. Many things that made them daring storytellers in the past, just isn't there any longer. They’ve sort of played it safe over the years and forgotten what they had.

I have a few of my own tips

  1. Bring back Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood: She was cute and rough around the edges. She’s the perfect strong woman for Indy. I always had a crush on her.
  2. Sallah must make an appearance!
  3. Have a fast cameo for Short Round. Yes most people hate the kid, but it further gives the movies continuity.
  4. No Young Indy prologues please!
Marion checking out some old school bling-bling


  1. I think i agree with all of your suggestions! I was at first bummed when Sean Connery declined to revamp his role as Dad for IJ4 but then i realized that Sir Sean has done alot and it might be best to let him retire in peace so his preformances can remain perfect in my mind.

  2. He's stated that he's sort moved on, because Hollywood is too fast for him now. I think he's also upset he passed on the Lord of the Rings role. (He said he didn't understand the story)

  3. I have to admit I'm really worried about this movie and I am not looking forward to it. Speilburg hasn't made a good movie in something like ten years and the last few Star Wars movies...while I enjoy them...are a bit of a mess and kind of color my opinion of the original trilogy. Please don't ruin my fond memories of Indiana Jones with a mediocre movie!

    That said there are some really interesting suggestions on that list. I'd love to see Karen Allen come back.

  4. I think Lucas is the more worrisome individual in this equation.

  5. Becca: You're right Steven has seem to fallen off his game of late. But there was a magic spark whenever he worked with Lucas. Here's hoping they can bring that magic back.

    MC: Agreed, Lucas has time and time again proven that he's bad at writing things himself. He couldn't hear good dialog if was whispered into his ear. If he adds a another CGI comic relief, I'll shoot myself. Or Steven adds Walkie-talkies to villains' hands...
