Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I hate Huckabees

I hate Huckabees

Watch as Lilly Tomlin makes the director of Huckabees completely loose it. He begins to raise his voice and throw all the stuff off his desk. “I worked on this thing for three years!” Now, I heard that David O. Russell is a complete asshole and yells at everyone. While it appears that Tomlin is in the wrong, but other people have said Russell has a temper. The other clip shows a very pissed Tomlin and Hoffman, Marky-Mark is just chilling in the background. Expect both clips to be removed within the hour.

There was also a Fistfight between Russell and George Clooney as well on the set of Three Kings. Russell also had a encounter with director Christopher Nolan (Batman Begins). Here's the story behind this incident.

((And then Jude Law quits (the explanation Mr. Russell hears is that he needs to make a big-budget movie because of an impending divorce settlement; Mr. Law's representatives deny that money was a factor). Mr. Russell is devastated: instead of doing his movie, Mr. Law has decided to take a role offered by Christopher Nolan ("Memento").

At a Hollywood party, Mr. Russell, a lean, muscular 46-year-old with dark, lanky hair, runs into Mr. Nolan and — in full view of the party guests — puts him in a headlock. Wrapping his arm around Mr. Nolan's neck, Mr. Russell demands that his fellow director show artistic solidarity and give up his star in order to save "Huckabees." (In the meantime, Mr. Russell has met with Jim Carrey as a possible replacement.) The next day Mr. Law calls Mr. Russell from a boat while crossing the Atlantic and discusses his "Huckabees" role at length, never mentioning Mr. Nolan or his project. The headlock story makes the rounds in Hollywood.))

The entire story is worth reading. Just expect the movies to be removed.

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