Sunday, February 11, 2007

You Got The Touch!

The Famous Stan Bush video, The Touch.

Stan Bush was one of those singers from the 80s that sucked even though he was never fully aware of it. What was his claim to fame? Two dreadfully bad, yet cool, songs from the Transformers: The Movie soundtrack. He would also write and sing songs for two Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. Once you go animated robots, you can only drop lower with a Jean-Claude movie. (two, no doubt)

His 'Touch' song would also show up in the movie Boogie Nights, as well as making an appearance during the end of the 2-part episode 'The Return of Optimus Prime'.

The video is your standard promotional music video with the added lame laser effects and Stan Bush posing for no good reason. While corny and bad, it is still an 80's treasure, (like discovering a treasure chest and finding a lump of coal inside. Useful, but not that much.) Hey, it was the 80's

Grade for the video: B-

Grade for Stan Bush's hair: D+

He's cool in an uncool way.


  1. Aww come on. Give him a break.

    We all have to endure the cheesy 80's music to watch the Original Transformer movie. Which was and is b!tch!in.

    I mean how many people can rock that hard to junky music and still transform into cars to get away??

    All i have to say is " Roll out "

  2. Yeah, I might of been to harsh on him, just couldn't get over the really bad neon lighting and laser effects, not to mention his hair.

    But the song works well during Prime's final moments in the film. and the movie still kicks ass today.
