Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Descent

The Descent (Uncut version)

Giving that if it wasn’t for the fact it was on a Blue Ray DVD and my friend got the movie, I wouldn’t have ever seen the movie. The Descent ended up being surprisingly better than I thought. The main story behind the movie goes like this; a group of female cave explorers go into a new cave, and get trapped inside. They soon discover that they’re not alone. The rule of the movie is this; get out before you get eaten.

I liked how the movie opens up with an extremely violent scene and then shifts gears to a slower pace up until we get to the creatures living in the caves. The slower pace gives us a little bit of chance to see how professional and strong these British women are when it comes to cave exploring and dealing with monsters.

The creatures are very creepy and scary, but keep in mind that they never completely reveal the history behind their creation. Yet, there are theories floating around. The editing is spot on, and the acting from most of the women is pretty good. Special attention should be given to two of the actresses, Shauna Macdonald and the very hot Natalie Mendoza. Mendoza probably has the best role in the movie, because she’s like the female version of Rambo, but hot. Macdonald plays a grieving mother that has never gotten over a certain accident, and she handles the role well.

I found the makeup work for the monsters to be amazingly realistic, considering the movie was done on a tight budget. I’d like to also add that the movie is exceedingly violent and the ‘Heroes’ do some mean things to each other. In the uncut version we get heads busted open and people getting eaten alive for prolonged periods of time. (Make whatever you want about the fact that the one gay woman in the movie gets eaten first, hmmm.) I should also point out the score is wonderful and early on, very un-horror film like. David Julyan does a superb job with the music, making the score more sweeping than most horror films of the past. Horror directors take note of this fact.

There is one glaring problem with the film and it has to do with the open-ended finale. The movie has two different endings depending on which side of the ocean you lived on in the theaters. The DVD uncut version combines the two endings, but yet neither one fully gives you a clean-cut answer. So, people might have a problem with that. I certainly did.

This movie isn’t for everyone.

Grade B-

Natalie Mendoza: "This is something I'm going to have to on my blog when I get home!"
Sarah stumbles upon Bruce Wayne's Batcave.
Natalie Mendoza, why is she even hotter when she's covered dirt and blood later in the movie? I don't know. But, it's good to see women do more than scream in a horror movie, yes these women are strong.

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