Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Wiggles: keeping it real

The Wiggles

Okay, Monday morning I was flipping through the channels, and I noticed that strange show The Wiggles was on The Disney Channel. I had seen it before thinking, why are these men dressed up in Star Trek outfits? Something inside forced me to put the remote down and watch this bizarre children’s show. I watched as four grown men sung songs about hopping and jumping for an entire episode. After the show ended, I asked myself one question; what in the hell is a Wiggle anyway?

Well, I didn’t get an answer, but I did do some research into these strange guys. Two of the founding members were part of an Australian band named the Cockroaches (I guess they couldn’t use The Beatles.) After the band broke up, two of the members formed The Wiggles, a kid’s band, singing upbeat songs. They do tours around their homeland as well as the UK and the US, where they’ve become smash hits with the kids. I know I’m not a child, but the guys’ overly happy expressions combined with their Power Rangers colors just scares the crap out of me. Lame comes to mind, and yet I can’t take my eyes off the show.

However, remember the rule about three coolest things in the universe and you have to have at least one in your show or book to keep it cool. The three things are Monkeys, Ninjas, and Pirates. The Wiggles have a Pirate that goes by the name Captain Feathersword. He’s a friendly Pirate that has a feather for a sword. (Don’t ask, it’s better that way).

Anyway, here are some interesting videos to get you interested…

The Wiggles - The Monkey Dance: I actually laughed at this one. Do the Monkey!

The Wiggles - The Numbers Rhumba: We can all count to 3! This one just creeps me out.

The Wiggles- Hot Potato: Come on, if that was a real pirate he would have shot him in the back to get that dish of food.

the wiggles/ young joc: Meet them at the Trap. Trust me, you will want to see this one. I can watch this video over and over again.

Gangster Wiggles Yep, another hip-hop remix

Are they pointing at me?


  1. AAAACK ! The wiggles scare me!
    Ok Teletubbies give me nitemares too.

  2. Yeah, the teletubbies are beyond creepy. However Ronald Macdonald is creepy too

  3. I hate all clowns so ya i'm not a Ronald Macdonald fan (hides behind Semaj....)

  4. lol, I guess i'm not the only one then!
