Monday, February 19, 2007

Employee of the Month (2006) (I watched this because The Departed was out)

Employee of the Month

I knew going in that this movie wasn’t going to be great or even good. Dane Cook stars in this work related film about a slacker that dreams of some day banging Jessica Simpson. Simpson’s character likes to have sex with the Employee of the month. Cook goes out of his way to get into her undercarriage.

Yep, that’s the plot. Too bad movies like Waiting and the 40-year-old virgin did the work-related plotline better. This movie isn’t really that funny and Cook looks lost without a microphone in his hand. One has to even wonder why they even got Cook for the role. Simpson looks pretty, yet she still hasn’t gotten over her Daisy Duke role in Dukes of Hazard. She’s playing the same character except without the short shorts.

I used to work in a supermarket and this movie reminded me of all the stupid things that went on there. Those times were not fun, and neither is this movie. Avoid this film. (Kind of funny that Dane shows up in Waiting too, and that’s a better movie.)

Grade D+

Daisy Duke: “I think something bounced up in my…”

Semaj: “Undercarriage, we get it!”


“Weren’t you in one of those Direct TV ads?”
Daisy Duke: “I don’t know what that means, but I want it.”
This is the second movie in a row I’ve reviewed with Pedro Sanchez, er Efren Ramirez, in it. This means something, a sign of things to come.


  1. I'm not surprised it is a bad movie.

  2. I should have known that the movie sucked, but I needed to watch a movie.
