Friday, February 09, 2007

We did it for the rent.

Bond: I did it for the money, Miss Moneypenny.,,20008990,00.html

We all know that actors do certain roles for the money and not the art. Ben Affleck is certainly one of those actors. The link above give us top 20 actors that have done roles for just the cash. Some are bad movies, while others are pretty good. My favorites are below

Sean Connery in Never Say Never Again: Yeah, this one was one of the worst Bond/Non-Bond Films ever produced. So was it a remake of an older bond film or not?

Jason Alexander in Dunston Checks In: It should be labeled Jason Alexander Cashes in. I hate this McDLT guy.

Bill Murray in Garfield : While Murray is the idea voice actor for Garfield, the movie is just bad. However, it made so much money that they made second one, which was even worst.

Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich in Eragon: Irons must love shitty fantasy movies, because he did D&D too!

Richard Pryor in Superman III: Why Richard why?

Michael Caine in Jaws: The Revenge : Somehow he can dry his wet shirt in mere seconds. Caine even admitted that he did it for the cash. Yet, no one can explain how a shark can scream out of water?

Orson Welles in Transformers: The Movie : When this former Director wasn't making wine ads, he also did the 80's cartoon movie Transformers. I personally like his role as Unicron, sadly it would be his last role.


  1. they failed to mention the original obi wan kanobi. if i remember right, he was in it to pay the bills as well


  2. That's right, and from what I heard he hated every minute of working with Lucas. Even going as far as bashing the dialog

  3. ah yes, the infamous "can't that little green thing say that line" story.

  4. Yeah, Lucas had to replace Alec with a green puppet. Which is funny because Yoda became a bigger hit.
