Friday, February 09, 2007

24 season 5 Part 1 of 3

24 season 5 Part 1 of 3

Last year, I commented on how well the 4th season of 24 ended up. Yet, I wondered how in the hell they could top themselves the next year. To my surprise, they exceeded the level quality in S5 and then some. With the shocking murder of Dennis Haysbert’s character Palmer in first few minutes in the season, we then knew that anyone could’ve been killed off this season. And, a lot of regulars did bite dust too. With Palmer and Michelle Dessler out of the picture in S5, Jack Bauer comes out of exile to find out who is behind all the murders, with a lot of bodies left in his trail.

During S5, I felt the writers attempted to give Bauer a more human side. We are given scenes where we see Bauer spend time with the ones he loves in slower moments in an otherwise a break-neck speed show. Sometimes, the show loses its character moments because of the format of the show, but they’ve attempted to give us some interesting character moments.

And yet, Bauer has never been a cooler than in this season. Not only does he shoot a middle-aged woman in the leg, but also he blows up a terrorist with his own bomb vest. He chokes his former girlfriend, while taking the time to kidnap President Wimpy. Hey, even time off in self-imposed exile hasn’t slow Jack down. These moments are some of the reasons people keep coming back to watch this drama. The writers took chances this season and most of them paid off.

Can we at least have one group picture where they all smile?


Great, the Dark Phoenix has shown up. (Sorry about the X3 reference)


Yes, this is the woman from Designing Women. She steals the show with her role.


In the future, FOX News will be on all channels, sort of like Taco Bell in Demolition Man.

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