Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Things are getting way out of control. First there was that stupid Boston Bomb scare, now we have this Snickers gay scare TM . Just read below...

((NEW YORK ( -- After a number of groups objected, Masterfoods USA, the maker of Snickers candy bars, has pulled the plug on a controversial Super Bowl commercial that showed two men accidentally kissing.

The 30-second commercial featured two mechanics who end up sharing both a Snickers bar and an inadvertent kiss, and then react by pulling out a clump of chest hair to "do something manly." ))

Have we gotten so wussy that people can't take a joke? Now, I have attacked the Right Wing people for their crazy ideas, now it's time to take aim at the Extreme Left. This ad in no way promotes violence against gays, that includes the outtakes that has liberal bloggers all up in arms. If anything, it shows the homophobic nature of straight men, and how stupid they react. Has GLADD gotten so uptight that they can't even take a F'ing joke? (Not to be confused with the trash bag company Glad, or the Air Freshener Glade.) I'm all for gay rights, but this controversy is just stupid.

Snickers also gets the middle finger for removing the ads from their web site. Like Cartoon Network, they grew chicken shit and released a statement.

(("We know that humor is highly subjective and understand that some people may have found the ad offensive. Clearly that was not our intent," Masterfoods said in a statement. "As with all of our Snickers advertising, our goal was to capture the attention of our core Snickers consumer." ))

First off, their core consumers? Who even eats Snickers anymore?

Here's the other reason why people are all up in arms about the ads.

The actual ads

the love boat version:

the motor oil version:

Hair ripping one:

The wrench one:

Get over it, the ads aren't even that funny or dangerous. I blame it on the Mooninites.

The Mooninites, They are to blame.


  1. even as a progressive conservative, i thought that commercial was hilarious. i think it's ridiculous that they pull that add but not another add involving women getting their car washed by male strippers. does any one see the hypocrisy in tv censorship besides me? i'm offended that i was subject to watching mostly naked men. so no gay jokes, no janet jackson wardrobe malfunctions, but male strippers are apparently a-ok!


  2. Yeah, I think they should do the same Snickers joke but replace them with two really hot women. Have them kiss and realize it and pull away.

    "Quick, do something girly," one hot lady says.

    "Okay, sure," the other says.

    She goes back and kisses the other chick. Close the ad with...

    Snickers, we know you want some.

    I wonder if we'd get the same reaction?

  3. I bet some guys would get snickers themselves(if you know what i mean).

    lol, that was so evil, i felt like dogbert

  4. lol, I'm sure the market shares of the company would go through the roof.

    I can see guys lined up trying to buy Snickers
