Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Click (review)


If you had a blender and mixed It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol together with Billy Madison, you get the movie Click. Click is about a workaholic that has to balanced his demands at home with his challenging career. So, he finds a creepy guy (Christopher Walken) that gives him a universal remote, which Adam Sandler later discovers is a Universe Remote. He can control anything with the remote, so he starts to fast-forward anything unpleasant or tedious. However, the remote begins to have a mind of its own and Sandler starts to loose many of the small insights into his life, as his family begins to move away from him. This was what I enjoyed the most out of the movie.

The movie attempts to balance the comedy aspects with the dramatic scenes. For most of the time, the movie handles it pretty well. I even liked all the different functions of the remote and how it ties into his life. Yet, there are times when the movie gets really stupid and destroys any good nature the audience has up to that point. Do we really need Sandler farting into David Hasselhoff’s face? Okay, since it’s Hasselhoff, maybe we all need to fart in his face. The movie has its heart in the right place, if a little confused on the tone.

The set design is pretty good, especially for the future scenes. And, the music works for the most part. I just wished the story were run through a few more rewrites before going to the screen. Not at bad movie at all. Sandler, like Stiller, seems to have a very good winning streak when it comes to the Box Office, because this movie was a huge hit last year.

Grade C+

Note: Notice the Twin Towers in the last future shift at the wedding. I guess they got around to rebuilding them after all.

The only time I've ever been jealous of The Hoff. Okay, this and when he drove around in Kitt. Kitt kicks ass.


Adam: “Great, all I get is a Ben Stiller movie on every channel, some remote.”


At one point, Henry Winkler was the coolest guy on the planet.


Jump, jump!


Sloth like Adam! Me want Chocolate.


  1. I sorta liked this movie but it was lacking in something.

    btw. Kitt still to this day kicks major a$$

  2. Hmm, i was gonna rent it, but i didn't bother, but for the money. really want to see Night at the Museum, cos i haven't seen Ben Stiller get into deep shit of late.

    btw you were recently looking for some glitches? here's one, on your blogroll:

    Blayde’s Blog

    i hate it when they change ' to something else, they even do it on stumbleupon, so fricking annoying.

  3. click was alright, but come on adam sandler, find some new jokes. he played too much off of his earlier movies, and the dog humping just got old. and he just can't seem to resist at least one 80's song in his movies. 80's is cool, i'm not knocking it, but it's a different century now. it's good to rent and watch once, but definitely not one to own.


  4. Mayren: You're right there was something Missing in the, but the concept was sound.

    I think every child wanted a cool car like Kitt. A car that could talk and tell you when someone was sneaking up on you. I still Wish I that Hot Wheels Kitt car.

    Blayde: I almost went out to see Night at The Museum, just didnt get around to it, but I heard Robin Williams' role was really good.

    Yeah, Blogger for some reason changed your name after the New Blogger update. I'll correct it right now.

    Paul: You've hit the nail right on the head, He seems to recycle all his jokes over and over again. And I never noticed it, but he does throw in 80s songs in all his movies!
