Thursday, January 25, 2007

Worf is the #$^&

Worf: I have a sense of humor! On the Enterprise I was considered quite amusing.
Dax: That must have been one dull ship.

Quote from

The main reason why Mr. Worf is the man.

This is sort of an inside joke to anyone that’s seen Animal House.


  1. mkay. I love all the klingon-ness lately but i have to wonder.... are you trying to tell us something?
    Are you a closet Klingon?
    Do you love the band Stovakor?

  2. definitely a classic worf episode. i wish TNG utilized him as a comic relief more like DS9 did, but that's what happens when you put all your eggs in one android i guess. lol


  3. @ Mayren: LOL, Truth be told, I do have a certain Klingon way about me.

    I didnt know there was a band called Stovakor, but now you have researching it.

    @Paul: During TNG, Dorn was very serious about the way Worf was portrayed and he was one of the few actors allowed to actually discuss things with the writers.

    But when DS9 came around, he loosened up a bit
