Thursday, January 25, 2007

American Idol 6 Reject: Major Reject

Oh, lord, there's a game too?

Warning, if you ever begin dating a girl like this, run away.

While I never watched American Idol, but this clip would be the reason I would. If everyone acted like this, I'd watch. You know it's bad when even Paula thinks you're crazy!


  1. "You know it's bad when even Paula thinks you're crazy!"


  2. lol, thanks.

    that woman just creeps me out.

  3. WTF? there's a game? I have to admit i watch American Idol. But only for the audition episodes. I just hadn't gotten to this clip yet because i have 3 episodes waiting on my Tivo.

    To quote the Black Eyed Peas,
    "crazy is as crazy do"

  4. They should give this girl her own show, I'd actually watch. Everyone would wait for her to flip out.

    Now, that I think about it there's a Xbox/Ps2 game too.
