Friday, December 22, 2006

SoBE Superman Power=Kryptonite

SoBE Superman Power

I just tried the SoBE Superman energy drink, and I have to say that I didn’t like it at all. Given its smooth brown appearance, you would think the drink would mimic the taste of a soft drink, but it doesn’t. The taste is too bitter and nasty. There’s nothing Super about this energy drink. I believe Superman would lose his powers if he did attempt to take a sip of this bitter mess. I feel a little weaker now, after finishing a can.

This is strange, because I actually like most of SoBE’s energy drinks. It should be noted that this drink is still better than those Steven Segal drinks I tasted earlier.

Grade: D


  1. Yech, this is almost as bad looking as the stupid Bats drink they took out last year. It's not like they had this in developmant for the movie, but they do it anyway, cos fatcats can't stuff their wallet enough and want to commercialize everything!

    btw, whats SoBE stand for?

  2. South Beach Beverage Co: I actually had to look it up, LOL

    It almost seems like they rushed this flavor out without thinking about the taste just to be released with Superman Returns
