Sunday, December 24, 2006

Lucky Boobs

Lucky Boobs

I decided to travel across Louisville to the south end, I’m an East Ender, and go to a Christmas party. You would think with all the Christmas spirit, they would be singing ‘Holiday’ songs and other Christmas shit, but it was mostly a group of people drinking and playing poker.

At the party, I stood near the poker table, observing the drunken people playing a game I knew nothing about.

A dark haired female took a card from one of the players and proceed to rub the card on her well-rounded boobs. With surprise, I raised my eyebrows.

“Does that give the cards some sort of power?” I asked.

She smiled, and she noticed my expression. “James, you didn’t know my boobs were lucky. If I rub them on anything, it brings them good luck.”

I shook my head and asked, “So they have the power of a four leafed clover?” Trust me, I really wanted to know.

Everyone at the table laughed.

I never tested the theory, but I’m sure if I did, I would get lucky

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