Sunday, December 17, 2006

Pauly Shore gets punched.

Pauly Shore sucked so badly in his prime time show that FOX canceled it after the 1st episode. Heather Graham's Emily's Reasons Why Not also received that award as well.

Pauly Shore gets punched.

Comment: I used to like Pauly Shore when I was a teenager, but as I grew older, his movies grew dumber. Something about Shore makes me hate him now, but his Pauly Shore Is Dead movie was pretty funny.

In this clip, a Burly, red-shirted, Redneck heckler decides to take up for another Redneck heckler and jumps on stage and threatens Mr. Shore. The wimpy Pauly Shore backs away and says, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” The redneck crowd cheers on the Redneck on stage to hit Pauly, and the beer-hazed cowboy takes a swing at 'The Weasel', sending shore to the floor.

Now, I believe the Redneck was just mad at the fact that he spent actual money to see Son in Law and Jury Duty, so he took it out on 'The Weasel'. Of course this drunken fool probably spent a night in jail. I'm sorry but beating up a has-been-not-funny comedian doesn't give you street creditability in jail. Instead of belting the guy back, Shore throws a fit and does a Kramer by storming off the stage.

Yet, the Cop says the whole thing was staged...


  1. no lie, The Pauly Shore thing happened where I grew up in my Teens. I went to Odessa High School not the stupid Permian Panthers school.
    Friday night lights happened there too, well at Permian High and in Odessa.

  2. So, the Permian Panthers fans are that strange as they depicted them in the movie? (Trust me, the whole U of L and U of K rival is just as crazy).
