Sunday, December 17, 2006

Judith Regan

The woman behind the whole OJ “If I did it” book thing, is shown the door.

((For weeks, publisher Judith Regan had been in trouble with higher-ups over the debacle of the canceled O.J. Simpson book and TV deal. But her firing swiftly followed a Friday afternoon phone call from her Los Angeles office to a HarperCollins attorney that included comments that were characterized as offensive, two highly placed corporate sources said Saturday. ))

I've always thought Judith Regan had lost her mind a long time ago, and this whole OJ thing proved it. I would like to thank Regan for bringing up such a sore subject that actually sent race relations back a few years between blacks and whites during the 90s. Screw you, Judith.

As I read the page, I noticed that she was behind the crapped-filled TV reality show Growing Up Gotti. Way to go, I guess making a reality show about a mob boss's family wasn't enough for her.

This time, OJ didn’t kill anyone, but Regan’s career.

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