Sunday, October 08, 2006

President Bush's Job

The President may be stupid, but at least he can tell the difference be a bird and human, Dick Chaney.

The Daily Show once again proves why it's the best thing on TV. I just love how Bush describes the Iraq war as a comma. A Comma in the history books. Mr. Bush, with the large amounts of American and Iraqis deaths we're way past commas. I love that Tony Snow has to explain the whole Comma-gate thing.

Plus the Senator from my state is earmarking 20 million for a victory celebration in Iraq. What have we won? A dinner at Red Lobster?

BTW, the President's job is to “put food on your family”.


  1. Say's Dick Chaney he can! I'd like to see them prove it in a court of law.

  2. lol, Chaney: "Yeah, I do know that birds have Feathers and humans can't fly, but come on they look alike."
