Sunday, October 08, 2006

Commandments of Science Fiction

New rule: Must have a Big-breasted female with fake oversize lips as a crew member, and no one hits on her ever. She must wear something extremely tight to work everyday.


New Rule: You must have a woman with natural breasts and natural features that is far more attractive to look at than Big Breasted alien babe, but marketing overlooks natural beauty for “Fake and bigger is better.”

Note: I've always found Linda Park more attractive than Commander fake slug lips


MC over at Culture kills e-mailed me this web site called Commandments of Science Fiction.

Here are a few I'd like to point out,

((Thou shalt stop when thine engines are turned off, even though the vacuum of space provides no braking mechanism. ))

Okay, this is true. Almost every show tends to have ships come to a complete stop when engines power down.

((Thy starships containing main characters can be battered endlessly without exploding, but thine starships without main characters shalt explode at the first hit. ))

Yeah, This does happen a lot. Maybe they have heavier hull plating than the other starships.

((Thou shalt use rayguns. Projectile weapons and grenades are out of the question, regardless of how useful they might be. This commandment hath apparently been enacted to preserve the Borg, whose large-breasted female representative has helped line the pockets of Rick Berman. ))

After 400 years, you would hope people have found better ways of killing other people other than bullets. Plus, remember Sci-fi rule number 1: If it looks or sounds cool add it!


  1. This one struck me:

    Thou shalt always approach thine opponent so that thine own vertical axis is aligned with his. No ship shall ever approach another while "upside down".

    If you are generating your own gravity, then why not have ships approach from the third dimension.

    And from a military standpoint, the people who devise the plans on the Star Trek series... what is the polite way of saying it... suck. What happened to suppressive fire indeed.

    I agree about your assessment of the lovely Linda Park... especially in her mirror universe incarnation.

  2. Axis thing always Plagued most Sci-fi shows. Back in the day it was because of the limited movement of the models, but now I'm not sure why they still do it.

    That's true about suppressive fire, but DS9 did handle some of the milatry aspects better the rest of the series.

    Mrs. Park is very pretty when she lets her hair down. And she was down right sexy in those mirror eps
