Tuesday, October 24, 2006

MGS 2 thoughts Part 2

Tanker Chapter (thoughts)

~The first demo had part of the tanker chapter on it. It ends with the Olga Gurlukovich fight. The music in the last scene on the demo is different. I always liked hanging off the ship when I fight her. She makes fun of you.

~When Snake jumps off the bridge, I believe it was one of the best ways to open up a videogame. Listen to the music during this part, it’s very cool.

~Saving in the tanker chapter can be very humorous. Listening to Otacon screw up every quote is just funny. After the thirteenth quote, Snake will get pissed.

~This is when Mei Ling shows up and saves your data. I thought they used a different voice actor, but it’s actually the same woman that did the voice in Metal Gear Solid. Kim Mai Guest is her name. She just sounds different in MGS2. It’s a cute scene. BTW, it looks like she will be back for MGS4

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