Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fake your way to the top

“So, they removed me from the top of the list...”

There are some interesting things happening around

Comment: I always think it is funny when Internet scams get outed. It looks like there are some famous people who are using dummy accounts to boost their ranking on You better believe it's not the actual famous people who are doing this, but their marketing people.

((A furious YouTube community is outraged at super producer Ryan Leslie, the man behind MySpace super-star/Bad Boy protégé Cassie, who has allegedly fraudulently created YouTube accounts to garner page views for his channel, RyanLeslie TV. ))

I didn't even know who Ryan Leslie was until this story broke. I guess his stupid marketing worked.

((The controversy emerged following a video entry made on October 19, 2006, by a YouTube member who’s screen-name is BOH3M3, which resulted in over 400 video responses and RyanLeslie TV being removed from YouTube Channel ))

I do like that YouTube did something about it, now they need to go after Puff Daddy.

Here's a bit of an aftermath comment from boh3m3

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