Sunday, October 01, 2006

Again, Anonymous 2 comment...

Well, I got another Comment from another person that knew Ray. When I saw the Google link, I was like “Oh, no, not another one.” But this time, this guy was more sensible. Because it was in my archives, I'll post it here.


Anonymous said...

I knew Ray. We went to school together and sat by each other in about all of our classes becase our last names were almost the same. Ray was a great guy and he was very respectful of me. I pray for ray as well as the family of the victim, sometimes all of us snap, unfortunatly forray it was the wrong way.

Sunday, October 01, 2006 6:38:35 PM

You see, this comment was more respectful. Here's my reply,

Thank you for your thoughts, and I agree with you. We all have things in our lives that at some point we can't take anymore. We let things build up inside us, anger and hate, until we can't take it any longer. I have many flaws and I know it, but I also know that 'not letting go' will destroy you, (Anyone that's read my blog entries on my father will understand.) I watched as Ray would get more and more hateful. Hate is a powerful thing and it can harm us and the people around us. We see it all the time.

Many people believe that most people pretty much stay the same throughout their lives, attitudes and ways of thinking. However, I believe we do change. Usually it is something so drastic that forces us to change our ways, but the key is to move in a positive direction. Ray did not, and I wish there was something I could have done to prevent it. Despite all of the outside influences, it still comes down to personal choice.

Thanks again, Mr. Anonymous 2

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