Monday, September 25, 2006

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~I guess the good side of me is taking over because I opened a door for a woman at school. I almost never do that. What is coming over me?

~To balanced that good side, I did in fact cuss out one of my fellow coworkers and it felt damn good. The new people didn't know what to make of it, but then again, I am a moody guy.

~SuperHeroHype has some interesting thoughts from Bryan Singer on the next Superman movie. Singer is stating that he wants the next Superman movie to be the next Wrath of Kahn, and if there is one man I have faith in improving on the first one, it's Singer. I hope WB stays out of his way and let's him do it. But, remember this is the studio that grave us Batman & Robin.

~Looking back at my love life(or lack of), there were times when I should have asked some women out and not cared what kind of answer I would have received. Sometimes blind luck is the best luck.

~While watching Star Trek Remastered, a Trim-Spa ad came on with it promoting Anna Nicole Smith's pregnancy, and that she'll lose the weight with their product. Uh, not a good idea right now Trim-Spa with her song dead and all.

~Is it everyone's job to drive really slow when I drive behind you? Let's get it into gear (Sorry bad pun) people. You would think me driving on your bumper would give you an idea that your ass is moving too slow. 35 in a 45 is going backwards.

~Here is a random message board bit.

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