Monday, September 25, 2006

Devil in the Dark, Remastered

Head over to for some cool comparisons between the old Star Trek shots and the new Remastered shots (Devil in the Dark). Two shots were extremely impressive. The Matte Paintings are now 3D with moving smoke or steam. The other cool shot is the Enterprise moving away from the planet at the end of the show. I think they finally got the right coloring and speed to the new CGI Enterprise.

BTW, The Remastered show does get rid of one big mistake on the episode. They cut out the part where Kirk tells Spock to go in one direction and he goes in another direction (I think he tells Spock right while he goes left. He ends up going right.) Smart move on the remastered folks part. Damn that Shatner for not taking orders well. “I'm Da Shatner damn it!”

Overall, the episode story wise was amazing, I'd forgotten how good the episode was. I like that they didn't paint the mining workers as bad people, just unaware. The look on Mining Chief Vanderberg face when he realizes that he's been killing thousands of those creatures was a nice touch. Despite Shatner's overbearing EGO, the show really was ahead of it time. Too bad Berman forgot that with Voyager and Enterprise.

Grade B

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