Sunday, August 20, 2006

Silent Hill 3 storeroom scene

Well, I found that creepy Storeroom scene from Silent Hill 3.

Things to notice

~Look in the mirror at the reflection. You’ll notice that the only the floor in the reflection is bleeding. Your mirror image is unharmed. Yet, there is no blood on your side of the room.

~When the blood clears up, your mirror image starts bleed, and your side of the room actually starts to bleed on the walls and floor.

~As the room starts to fill up with blood and flesh, you will notice that your bloody reflection in the mirror has stopped doing what your doing and is simply staring back at you. It was at this point when I was officially freaked out and left the room. I didn’t know this is what happened if you stayed in the room too long...


  1. I remember when I first saw this - the noises.... and ... ugh, the noises! :o

  2. This was one of the best moments in the game, and you're right, the noise is creepy.

  3. Speaking of Silent Hill, are you a fan of Akira Yamaoka? Gotta love Theme of Laura, Promise, the Silent Hill theme, Overdose Delusion etc (sorry, I didn't mean to start harping on about composers again, but you can't deny Yamaoka is a huge part of why the games are so successful!)

  4. He's done some amazing work with the series. It seems to build on itself as you play.

    Did he write the song at the begining of SH3? (which was later reused for the end credits in the SH movie)That's probably one of my faves.

  5. By the way, I have to thank you for the 'Making of Silent Hill 3' video - I finally got to see what Yamaoka looked like! He's way younger than I thought :o

    Are you talking about 'You're not Here'? I'm not sure, but I think it said in the video that he chose the singer out of hundreds of others. So maybe he did write the song?

  6. "You're not here" yep, I just watched the music video with the Heather Model singing the words.

  7. If you stay here when the reflection stares back at you...Heather dies...yes...she just dies there, from one moment to that freaky, why she dies...i would like to know...
