Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Making of Silent Hill 3

The Making of video of Silent Hill 3

Comment: This video is about 25 mins long, but well worth it. Generally, you don’t see too many of these making of videos for videogames. The MGS 2 one is interesting too. We need to see more of these guys.

Side note: I really enjoyed Silent Hill 3 the best. One of the best scenes in the game is the ‘store room’ scene. It was truly creepy.

The confessional scene is probably one of the most well written scenes in videogames. A woman is in a confessional booth, crying about causing great harm to someone. She hears you enter, and she begins to ask for your forgiveness. The game gives you a choice, forgive her or not.

I liked the character of Heather in this game. While James from Silent Hill 2 was the most human, Heather has the most charm.

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