Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New T2 tv show?


I found this one some Message Boards. There is a new Terminator based show (pilot) in the works named The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Yeah, it sounds like the Young Indian Jones show, but with killer robots.

((As outlined in Friedman's script, new installment in the "Terminator" franchise revolves around robo-warrior Connor and her savior son, John Connor. C2 senior veepee of development James Middleton, who's a producer on the project, said last fall that "Connor" will explore what happened to Sarah Connor after the end of "T2," when the character went on the run.
"She has the weight of the world on her shoulders, and she also has to raise a 14-year-old son who may be the salvation of the world," he said.
Original "Terminator" stars Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger won't be involved in the new project, Nutter said.))

This could work, if done right, and on the right network. It looks like they’re ignoring T3, which in itself kind of changes continuity with T2.


  1. Man, anything that pretends T3 never existed is OKAY in my book!

  2. Lol, I liked T3, but it ignored the Positive outlook and message that T2 tried to end with.

    But, then again how can you beat T2
