Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blog this!

That’s my Baby’s daddy


Head over to this blog for a great post on the Maury Show’s famous you’re not the father segments. Looking at the videos, I’ve learned some things.

1 These women should never have unprotected sex ever again.

2 These children are going to have a confusing childhood. I’ve spent most of my childhood without a father and it wasn’t easy.

3 Perhaps, these children shouldn’t meet their fathers, they don’t seem man enough to take care of their kids.

Note: I really enjoy watching these clips when the results are in and they find out the men they brought to the show aren’t the fathers. What do they do? They run off stage crying, I guess they thought they were going to get a paycheck. It seems that’s what they want. Not to attack just the women though, but men, come on! Do you have to bang every piece of slut tail that passes your way? Have some standards guys.

End of rant


Homer Award


Head over to this blog to check out who won the Homer Simpson Transmundanity Awards! Click on the first link, third paragraph to watch the video to see why he won. Truly funny and disturbing.


Blog world


Here’s some interesting thoughts from a new blogger on blogging. In her short time blogging, she gained quite a few readers. I can see why, she’s a nice person and writes well.

I’ve been doing this blog thing for about a year and I’ve met some interesting people along the way. I’d like to thank all the loyal readers of my crappy blog, all five of them. I just hope I can keep it up after I start sending out my manuscript.

End of Line


  1. Awww, thanks Semaj =)

    I've actually been blogging for maybe a year or two, but I always ended up quitting and starting again, until I finally got my own domain :D

    And I don't think your blog's crappy ^_^

  2. You know dude, you could win that award any week now.

    That being said, I may have a few things to teach you about self-promotion, as you do produce a quality blog here.

    But my tip for the day is go over to Technorati, claim your blog and then get it repinged, because I am pretty sure you will see a noticeable increase in your traffic(as all your old postings where you linked to someone else will be considered "new" and people naturally want to see where they are being referenced, and at the moment the system thinks you haven't put anything new up in 495 days.

    Just try it... come on... you know you want to.

  3. @Yvonne: Thanks, Yvonne

    @mc: Thanks, I just repinged my blog. I never knew what that site was.
