Sunday, August 06, 2006

Miami Vice

Miami Vice (an interview with me interviewing me about the movie).

So, did you like the movie? Hell, no! The movie was extremely terrible.

Uh, what was so bad about the movie? The dialogue was a joke, the movie was completely boring, and Colin Farrell simply can’t act. There are like six sex scenes that serve no purpose in the movie. No one seems to have any fun in this version, and they act way too serious. Foxx looked bored and under used.

So, you hated Colin Farrell? It now goes beyond hatred. The man doesn’t even try to act anymore and gives these stupid angry looks like he’s taking a dump. Why is this guy still an actor?

Hey, I’m the one asking questions here, that’s why I’m in boldface! My bad, dogg.

Okay, no problem. Anyway, what did you think of Michael Mann’s style of directing in this remake of MV? To be honest, it was dull and drawn out. And, this is coming from a man that loves this guy’s work. There are too many grainy and random shots of things like car tires and trees. If you want to see Mann at his best watch Collateral, Heat, or The Last of the Mohicans. Btw, he had a major hand in producing "Miami Vice" the series, which is far better than the movie. However, the shootout at the end of the movie was amazing and well directed, too bad you have to wait 1hr and 30 mins to watch the damn thing.

What about the music? Sucked, some of it sounded like damn porno music! The soundtrack was just terrible .

Any last thoughts? Yeah, don’t watch this movie. Just get the DVD set of the Miami Vice TV show instead. The movie was really boring, and I nearly fell asleep in the theater. Michael Mann has loss his touch.

Grade D+

We're too cool for this movie.


  1. Looks pretty stupid to me. They even made a game for it on the PSP.

  2. I wonder whos bright idea it was to make a game out of it. Some things will never work as a game. Esp, this one.
