Saturday, August 05, 2006

Big Trouble in Little China

Big Trouble in Little China

Man, does this movie bring back memories. When I was a child, I used to watch this movie all the time. I remember staying up with my brother and quoting our favorite lines as we watched the movie.

Big Trouble in Little China, The Goonies, is a film you either hate or love, because there is no in between. People are able to fly and shot lightening from their hands, so there isn’t much to take too seriously in this movie. John Carpenter mixes magic, kung fu, comedy and monsters into a surprisingly entertaining movie. Leave behind the logic for this movie and just have fun.

Kurt Russell’s Jack Burton is just a treat to watch, because he has no idea that he really isn’t the hero in the film, but he thinks he is. Plus, he doesn’t really do much to help the real hero (Dennis Dun) in the movie; he just wants his truck back and screws up most of the time.

So, if you want to fondly look back at 80s movies, include Big Trouble in Little China. It still holds up today.

Grade B

Jack Burton: You know what Jack Burton always says... what the hell?
Jack Burton: Like I told my last wife, I said, "Honey, I never drive faster than I can see, and besides... it's all in the reflexes."
Margo: Well, God, aren't you even gonna kiss her goodbye?
Jack Burton: Nope


  1. Heh, I love some of those goofy old 80s movies, including The Goonies. I should check this out.

  2. Give it a try, its pretty funny considering it is an action movie. It is on cable a lot.

  3. It is part of the Kurt Russell/Carpenter trilogy, Escape from New York, The Thing and then Big Trouble in Little China, and all three have a certain quality that other Carpenter movies of the era don't seem to have(They Live excepted).

  4. These guys went for the camp too, which I liked, and you're right those were some of Carpenter's best works.
