Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The witch vs The fool

Looks like Martha Stewart has a falling out with Trump,1,18392,00.html?fdnews

Comment: Nothing makes me happier than seeing another reality show fail, but the falling out between Stewart and Trump is a sight to behold.

((Martha Stewart has spoken out on the failure of her NBC reality show, claiming the only reason her series flopped was because the Donald's version gobbled up too much airtime.))

Martha, maybe your show failed because it sucked and no one wanted to watch it. No one wants to admit failure anymore, and they simply spin something else.

Here’s what The Donald said,

(("Your performance was terrible in that the show lacked mood, temperament and just about everything a show needs for success," he wrote. "I knew it would fail as soon as I first saw it--and your low ratings bore me out."

"Between your daughter, with her one-word statements, your letter writing and, most importantly, your totally unconvincing demeanor, it never had a chance--much as your daytime show is not exactly setting records. ))

Ouch that was mean.

Read more about the battle between super egos

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