Saturday, December 03, 2005

Peanut Butter Jelly Time, even more...

Because I cant get enough of the Peanut Butter Jelly Time video…(Thank you, Kevin, for the links)

Comment: This is a Remix version of the song with a completely different version of flash animation. The flash is pretty good, and works well with the music.


Comment: This version is even better, because the animation is fast and fits right in with the music.


Comment: Here’s another version. I don’t like the rapping in this version, don’t know why, but the other two flash vids have better music.


Now, I’ve posted the ones below before on my blog, but they can’t be missed, trust me you’ll love them.

Always pick Cyrax (The yellow robot!)

Watch them in this order! (His first appearance, jams with Jax) (Second appearance, jams with Jax, except it takes a wrong turn.) (Another one, with a funny twist. Poor Jax.)

And here is another link to the family guy version, for ppl that don’t have the Avi code. Note: In this version, the sound lags.