Sunday, December 04, 2005

Banned XBOX 360 ad

Banned XBOX 360 ad.

Comment: I remember the old XBOX 1 ad that was banned at the beginning of the original launch. I wonder if MS does these ads so they can get banned. All in all, I like this ad, well I like the last bit with the Taxi driver. I can see why it would be banned, but come on people; haven’t we seen the Axe body spray ads? Aren’t they just as controversial?

News below about it…


  1. Yeah,i liked it, i wonder who really banned it MS or someone else.

  2. well, as a moral conservative i am deeply offended by the banning of the comercial. i was laughing my head off the whole time. why do people have to be so dang sensitive? oh no, a bunch of adults acting like kids! whoever banned the comercial needs to be banned.


  3. you're right Paul, but I wonder if MS didnt shelf it themsevles to give them that extreme edge look. When ppl ban stuff the more people want to see it.
