Monday, November 21, 2005

Read the sign. I hate when People make up dumb signs like this. You shouldn’t have been out there that long.

Lennox Lewis showed up and no one even asked him to.


Holyfield showed up with his ear. (I know low blow, er, sorry for the Boxing pun)


The Riddler Edward Nygma himself showed up to greet the crowd with riddles.

“Riddle me this: Why did the Grinch steal Christmas?”
Montell? Is it really you? Uh, okay. I hated your show _________________________________________
Does anyone really care if Ruben Studdard showed up? Is he really a star?


  1. Lennox Lewis donated like $5 million for the Ali Center, one of the few boxing figures to contribute.

  2. Wow, 5 million. Ashame some of the others with deep pockets didnt donate.

    I wonder if Don King did anything
