Monday, November 21, 2005

Ali Center

The Ali Center opens here in Louisville, Ky

Comment: If you live in Louisville (I’m sorry), then you’ve more than likely heard something about the Grand Opening of the Ali Center in Louisville. I mean I’ve heard nothing but the Grand Opening.

While I generally hate boxing, but I respect what Ali has accomplished in his lifetime. He broke a lot of barriers for black men such as myself.

I’ve seen him up close two times in my life. One time, he visited my middle school, years ago. Years later, he was at same restaurant as I.

Another useless fact, his parents lived one house down from my grandmother for a while. It was a house he gave them after he was famous.

Real shame what has happened to him.

1 comment:

  1. Wife and I went to the Ali center July 18. We arrived as soon as they opened up and were treated very good for the few hours we were there. The center is sums up ali when he was a boxer and till now. Im 61 and followed ali all my life. The kids in this era dont have the role models that we had. Take care Ali and wife and i pray for you. Im from merrillville indiana.
