Sunday, November 13, 2005


Sometimes you cant tell

Okay weird story, 19 year old girl kills herself, parents blame internet news group.

Comment: Yes, it’s bad that someone took their own life away, and the newsgroups are bad, but let’s not forget who killed herself, the 19 year-old girl. She's a grown woman.

((But Suzanne's case has an unusual twist. She frequented an Internet newsgroup called called ASH, short for Alt.Suicide.Holiday.))

Yeah, I bet it’s not much of a Holiday. These F’ers are probably a bunch of rich kids that need some professional help.

((Suzanne's father claims the newsgroup gave her everything she needed to kill herself.))

Okay, they gave her some ideas, but something tells me this: If a young smart college lady with everything ahead of her takes her life, there’s something wrong with her! She would have found a way to die, trust me.

(("My chosen method is potassium cyanide....I've stopped eating so my tummy will be nice and acidic," one of Suzanne's posts read.))

This part simply creeps me out. The fact that there seems to be cheerfulness in her tone that just seems so wrong. She uses tummy in a post about her suicide. That’s just not right. There seems to be a disconnect.

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