Monday, November 14, 2005

Behold, this android has limited emotions.


Kidman: “Excuse me, what does God need with a Starship?”


Kidman: “I got this at the Harry Potter convention.”


Help! Someone get Alfred out of this really bad movie.


I don’t get it, neither should you.


Ferrell: “I was naked in Old School.”

Kidman: “I was naked in Eyes Wide Shut.”

Ferrell: “Sweet.”


Ferrell: “Uh, writer guys, the script is blank, no jokes, no plot.”

Writer guy: “Plots, we don’t need no stinking plots.”


At this very moment, Ferrell realizes this movie will be on his career record for the rest of his life.


Kidman: “Okay this is better than Eyes Wide Shut, and Practical Magic. I’ll do it.”


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