Wednesday, October 26, 2005

“Video into women’s shower room, check.”

The Rock: “Uh, isn’t this a little like Stargate?”

Director: “Shut up, we don’t need anymore Lawsuits, the Aliens one is still pending!”


I hate this part of the movie. Just dumb


“Hmm, I wonder if I can shave in this thing…”
Rock: “Keep Firing! We have to fend off these critics as long as we can! Don’t let them touch you!”
Okay so recruitment is down in the armed forces, maybe this movie will bring it back up…okay maybe not.

The dude: “I was in bloody Lord of the Rings, before this.”

The Rock: “I was in Scorpion King before this, so this is a step up.”

Not sure if I want to smell what the Rock is cooking here.
I want one

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