Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Random Thoughts (shoot)

Once I was a highly skilled player, now I’m nothing.

Random Thoughts

~Well, tomorrow my media class will tour WAVE3 news studio. Here’s the kicker, we see a live broadcast of the news show. Very cool indeed. I don’t expect to get on the air like I did with DJX.

~I have that song Pimping All Over the World in my head. Can’t get it out.

~Well, my brother is getting screwed over by the construction company’s insurance firm. I’m hoping he takes them to court, because his car was basically new, and he wasn’t even in his car when it happened.

~I’ll have an interesting story about a certain stripper…soon.

~I went to a hole in the wall restaurant in Indiana, and I got nervous because we were the only black people in the place. But, I have to say they had the best damn fried fish I’ve had in ages. Man, that fish was beyond good. I would go back, but it’s across the river, and I live on the East End of town.

~I still haven’t had a chance to play single videogame in ages.

~This past Sunday, I finished the entire season of Lost. My goodness this is a great show. Still haven’t seen a single ep of the 2nd season.

~Writing is moving along both on a media front and creative front.

~I used to be good at Tekken, but now I suck, badly. I’ll have more on this story too.

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