Friday, October 14, 2005

A McDonald’s Tale

Sadly, this is my Elementary school. If there were a gateway to hell, this would be it. This was the time when I discovered I was a loner and didn’t like people. I truly hated this turd of a place. I don’t hate it as much as my High School.

A McDonald’s Tale

Class end, so I headed over to McDonald’s to get some chicken nuggets. After walking passed a collection of bums smoking outside, I entered the place. Just as I entered the building, a rather unattractive heavy-set woman gazed at me with a strange expression. She sat at a table with a half-eaten quarterpounder and red box of fries on her brown tray.

I started to get freaked out, so I turned toward the crowded counter.

She waved to me and said, “Hey you.”

I stopped in my tracks and pointed to myself. “Who, me?”

“Yeah, come here a second,” the woman said, before she popped a fry into her mouth.

Shit, not another crazy person asking me stupid questions. Please, no. I went to her table and stood there.

“Don’t I know you?” she said, narrowing her eyes upward into my face.

I thought about it for a second. “I can’t answer that, because I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

She rolled her eyes. I guess she did not like my smart-ass remark. She smiled and pointed at me. “Didn’t you go to Bowen Elementary School?”

As a matter of fact, I did long ago. I barely remembered anything about it, because those weren’t great memories, and my childhood was pure shit.

I nodded and said, “Yeah, I did.”

“I never forget a face. I went there too. Weren’t you in Ms. Turner’s class?”

“Nope, I think I was in the class across from her class,” I corrected her.

“Wow, so what’s up?” she said, before throwing another fry into her large mouth. “How have you been? What are you doing?”

“I go to school over there,” I said, simply pointing.

She nodded and took a long draw from her large-sized drink. “I go there too.”

Suddenly, there was a long pause of dead air between us. We both knew that the conversion had ended and someone needed to break away. So, I did.

“Well, it was good to see you,” I lied. Thank you, for bringing back memories that I tried to block from my head years ago. Go F’ yourself, and choke on a fry or something.

I found it amazing that she recognized me after all this time. I can barely remember the faces of some of my co-workers after work, let alone years ago.


  1. LOL! that's too funny. but what would mcdonald's be without at least ONE crazy fat woman there at all times.


  2. there usually is, and there's always a handful of bums to help too

  3. Was she the tranny you saw before? That would be awesome.

  4. Nope, but she was there, though, lol. I seem to run into a lot of crazy people there.
