Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tomb Raider: Legend

It would appear that the new Tomb Raider videogame will be pretty good, because you have to do better than the crappy games that came before it. I was never a huge fan of Lara Croft. I never understood the fanboy love for this oversized breasted raider of tombs. Besides, Angelina Jolie is hotter than the videogame Lara. Anyway, here are some photos of the game from IGN.com


  1. The only reason Laura Croft got popular was from her tit size. I mean, yeah, the first Tomb Raider was actually really good, but they all sucked after that. In my opinion, the only way this game would have a chance would be if they were to make Laura Croft even sexier. So what do they do? They go and shrink her tits. Durh!

    Okay, if the actual gameplay is great, maybe it'll sell a few, but I smell a major flop here.

  2. Lol, thank you Richie

    Glitch I have to fully agree with you on this one. People seem to be into her boom size than the actual game play.

    You're also right , that this game will probably fail because is just so 90s, and we've grown out of that stlye game play

  3. Yeah, its kind of funny that Tomb Raider is a complete knock off of that movie series
