Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Chicken Noodle Soup

Poor man’s feast,

Yum yum yum x47
This is all the proof you need to know that there are Gods out there. This soup is a gift from the Soup God, Campbellitus
Chicken Noodle Soup for the stomach

Sometimes, you reach the middle of the week and money begins to run low. You know that you have to make it to the end of the week, so you buy some of the cheapest food you can find at the grocery store. The best choice is Chicken noodle soup.

Never has a soup been so good as that yellow, oily, liquid with small chunks of chicken floating around the surface. I can’t describe how much I love chicken soup. Campbell’s soup is the best. Here’s what I do to make the Chicken Soup better…

I add canned mushrooms to the soup, trust me it makes the soup better

I add freshly grounded pepper to the soup as well.


  1. So true, havev't found any better yet besides cambelle. All the soups are good.

  2. Havent tried that one yet, but I just had another can of Chicken noodle soup

  3. I eat a can of Armour beef stew almost every single day.

    Preparing for college, I guess.

  4. It saves on money thats for sure. Its like haveing a full meal without the price.
