Thursday, July 21, 2005

I screwed up, and didnt know it

Man, did I ever f’up. I went to the Jefferson County Clerks Office to pay my taxes on my car. I went inside, expecting a long wait. To my surprise, there weren’t that many people waiting. After I grabbed a number (58), I realized that I forgot my registration in the glove compartment. I went back to my car and found it. I opened up the government envelope and noticed that the little colorful tag that you’re suppose to stick on your license plate was still stapled to my registration!

I realized, that for an entire year, I’ve been driving around with an out of date tags. Somehow, I forgot to put it on my car. So, I go inside and my number is called. A little embarrassed, I took my registration to the clerk sitting at her desk. She looked at my sticker and gave me a sideway glance.

“Wasn’t this tag suppose to be on your car?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

Sheepishly, I nodded. “I guess I forgot to put it on,” I said, not making eye contact.

She laughed at me, and smiled. “I can’t believe you haven’t ever been pulled over. You went a whole year without having the cops stop you?”

“Yep,” I said.

After she gave me my new tags, she gave me some advice with a smile. “Be sure to put this tag on your plates, okay.”

And, this time I did. Boy, do I feel like such a tool

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