Saturday, March 26, 2005

Random thoughts Part 7

~ We need to bring back the catch phrase, “Surf’s up, dude!”

~ I guess that Beans, Beans song is correct. It is musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel. Let’s have beans for every meal.

~ I am sick of “Your momma jokes”. We need to start using “Your daddy joke”.

~ Again, these birds keep pooping onto my car. What is a brother to do?

~ I rented the Incredibles and Batman the animated series DVDs this week. I’m such a geek!

It’s okay when you’re blond, I guess.

I was at a gas station, and there was a goofy blond teenager there roaming the inside store. I was standing in lane, and she walked up asking about playing cards, behind me. The next thing I know, I hear a thunderous crash, and I look back. She knocked over an entire display of angel figurines! Embarrassed, she starts trying to pick up the shattered pieces with her hands. I, being an asshole, couldn’t help but laugh.

The clerks at the station were very nice to her for crushing all the angels. They said, “It’s okay, honey. You don’t have to pay for them.” They were being overly nice to her. I got to thinking, what would happen if I broke those things. Would I be treated as nicely? No.

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